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In life we go through many different seasons.. When I moved to South Florida several years ago I was introduced to Julie Tarazona as my Director for MK at the time. She did not know me and I did not know her but it did not take long for me to get to know her not just as my business coach but as truly a woman who lived every word she spoke. I was at a very dark place in my life at that time that she did not know about. Nevertheless, she had this caring and compassionate spirit about here that elevated me whenever I was in her presence. Because of Julie, a metamorphosis took place and I bloomed into the woman you see me as today. Her entire life was an inspiration to me and no matter how busy she may have been or what she had going on in her life, she was never too busy to make me feel like I was the only person that mattered, So to you Julie, I will say to you that your passion for people, your love for their best life has made a mark in many that can never be erased. If you did not know that, now you do. As long as I shall live, a part of you shall also. I love you to life and may all that you have so freely given be returned to you 100 fold.

– Dr. Gwendolyn Gay Oliver

[/mpc_testimonial][mpc_testimonial preset=”mpc_preset_2″ author_font_preset=”mpc_preset_103″ author=”Angela Smith, Milwaukee, WI” url_font_preset=”mpc_preset_103″ testimonial_font_preset=”mpc_preset_103″ thumbnail=”20129″ animation_in_type=”transition.slideRightIn” animation_in_offset=”100″ animation_in_duration=”300″ animation_in_delay=”0″]Unbelievably amazing! Julie Tarazona couldn’t have come at a more critical time in my life … I was 37, in the midst of a divorce with two small kids, and felt like I was spiraling out of control. Julie was the exact right person to help me at that time in my life. She helped me identify what I was feeling, create a game plan and practice some seriously needed self-love. She reminded me it was my time to be loved and be happy when I felt unlovable. Her insight and intuitiveness is second to none. Could not recommend her more.[/mpc_testimonial][mpc_testimonial preset=”mpc_preset_2″ author_font_preset=”mpc_preset_103″ author=”Aldrey Urosa , Mil Angeles Spiritual Healing” url_font_preset=”mpc_preset_103″ testimonial_font_preset=”mpc_preset_103″ thumbnail=”20130″ animation_in_type=”transition.bounceRightIn” animation_in_offset=”100″ animation_in_duration=”300″ animation_in_delay=”0″]I reached out to Julie in order to improve the quality of my personal life since at the time, I was going through a rough time. After our first session, I started creating amazing things in my life, that I didn’t have the courage to create fully before. She gave me the tools to not only thrive in my personal life but also in my professional life. I still use some of the tips and guidance she gave me in my relationship and value much more the gifts I have. She pushed me to fight for who I am meant to be, for what I wished to have, and who I wanted to become. Julie is intelligent, a professional and she is full of love & light. She has a passion for what she does and today I not only see her as a coach but as a friend. Thank you for being a part of my life, God Bless You…Julie Tarazona.[/mpc_testimonial][/mpc_carousel_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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